Monday, November 7, 2011

in the beginning

You have to start somewhere.  So I'll start here.   Today is my first post and I'm all thumbs.  I'm here to introduce you to me and my art. 

Fall is glorious this year.  I'm not sure what season in Atlanta is more beautiful,  Spring or Fall?  For now, I'll go with Fall.  Driving one morning, I couldn't resist these beauties growing along the road.  Goldenrod, and miniature white wildflowers side by side. I whipped out my camera (after parking my car of course) and snapped snapped some pictures. Gosh the goldenrod was prolific.  Pregnant with golden yellow plumes.  It's the prettiest I've seen it so I captured several images to later paint back in my studio.   Here is the painting. I hope I captured it in all its glory.